Kia Ora and welcome to everyone that has recently staked with 🥝Kiwipool Staking and joined our growing community. And a huge hello to everyone else who's been in the community for a while.
Unlike your pools which are monitored 24/7/365 and receive plenty of TLC, this website has had very little development on it over the past twelve months. We have prioritized our energies into the pool operations. Likewise, the majority of our communications have gone out via either Twitter or Telegram.
We'll eventually start tweaking this website but the best place for communications and updates will always be Telegram and Twitter. So, if you have yet to join, come connect with us using the links below.
Telegram -
Twitter -
Thanks again to everyone for sharing their staking energy with us 🙏
Together, WE are 🥝 Kiwipool Staking
Matticus 🤙
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